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Health officials have backtracked over guidance encouraging parents to seek advice from "faith or community leaders" before deciding whether to vaccinate
their children after the NSS questioned it.
Lawyers representing a man from Northern Ireland who sued a bakery for refusing to make a cake with pro-gay marriage message are going to Europe to challenge
a supreme court ruling that its evangelical Christian owners had a right to refuse to bake it.
The number of people getting married in Scotland continued to fall last year, new figures show. Almost half of marriages were civil ceremonies and nearly a
quarter were humanist ceremonies.
Suman Naishadham says some in the US are arguing that some forms of FGM should be acceptable, and drawing on the perceived acceptability of male circumcision
to back them up.
The Trump administration has opened the door to permitting government contractors to discriminate against LGBT employees with a proposed rule that frames the
issue as protecting companies' religious beliefs.
An Indian court on Wednesday acquitted six men of the killing of a 55-year-old Muslim dairy farmer, citing lack of evidence, raising questions over the
prosecution's failure to make its case despite videos of a crowd beating him in the street.
A twinning ceremony between a city in Alabama where abortion has been almost completely banned and an Aberdeenshire town has collapsed amid tensions over
right-wing and white supremacist politics.
The Times (£)
In case you missed it: from the No More Faith Schools campaign
Joanne Bartley, a campaigner with the group Comprehensive Future, argues that a comprehensive education system should also be free of religious selection.
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