Heads up, folks —

This message is your last chance to take John’s official issues survey before we meet to discuss our campaign strategy next week.

That means at midnight tonight, we will export the data and compile the results for John and our team ahead of the meeting.

According to our records, you haven’t filled out the survey yet. It’ll only take a minute. You can do it right here:


Thanks for making your voice heard. Your answers make a difference.

— Team Hick

---------Original message sent May 7, 2020---------

Hello —

Next week, my team and I will sit down (over Zoom, of course!) to set our priorities and strategy for the next couple of weeks. Before we meet, it’s important to me that I get your feedback as part of this process.

While my opponent is busy being Donald Trump’s favorite yes-man, my top priority is making sure this campaign is about you and fighting for your interests in Washington.

I wish I could sit down and grab a coffee (or a cold beer) with each of you — especially since we’re all cooped up during this pandemic — but the next-best way for me to know what’s on your mind is through a quick survey.

Will you take our official May 2020 issues survey today? I want to build a campaign you can be proud of, and your feedback would mean a lot to me personally.


Your feedback is extremely important to me, so I really hope you’ll spare some time to fill out my survey before our team sits down next week.

Thanks. I’ll be in touch soon.

— John