Dear America,
When I say follow the money, I'm not telling you to ONLY vote based on your financial situation. I'm saying, to understand what the economy tells us about our government and its policies.
You're living in the United States of the Federal Reserve.
All of this racial division is intended to distract us from theft. Divide Black and White, and make off with the GREEN!
All they can offer you is death and debt. How about prosperity and well-being? The MAGA + MAHA Movement is the only political movement that is FREEING people from the globalist orthodoxy of drugs, piracy, and slavery.
Black Men, we're going first! I pray Black Women will follow.
Why would you pay more to be less?
F*** you Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Obama. Is this not senatorial or statesman-like? Good, we need more a**-kickers in government, not a**-kissers.
Can I get an Amen?
Here's where my campaign stands. I'm in a NECK AND NECK race with the Left's glorified Obama-era Senator Amy Klobuchar. Despite what the Industrial Media Complex tells you, I CAN win this race.
But I need your help. We're less than 18 days away from the election, and there's not much time to reach undecided voters.
Can you donate $30 or more before midnight to help my America-First campaign shock the world and beat Klobuchar, Obama, and Kamala?
Royce White
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