With less than three weeks left until the election, we know that global reproductive freedom is top of mind for many concerned U.S. voters. We’re taking the fight for reproductive Health, Empowerment, and Rights to the ballot box!
Join us on October 24th at 12pm EDT for a conversation with our colleagues from East Africa to learn about the lives directly impacted by deadly policies like the Global Gag Rule, and the very real threat of its return should Donald Trump win the upcoming election.
Tinah P'Ochan, Executive Director of Resilience Uganda
Tinah P’Ochan is a feminist and strong advocate for SRHR services for vulnerable women and social workers by profession. She is also the founder and team leader of Resilience Uganda, a feminist organization that aims to promote and protect the human rights of marginalized groups of women in Gulu, in Northern Uganda.
Doreen Nakibuule, Program Officer at the Tunaweza Foundation
The Tunaweza Foundation, also based in Uganda, works to improve and uplift the lives of people with disabilities, through direct service and disability rights advocacy.