Dear friend,
Fair, efficient, and simple are words you probably don't associate with our tax system. But what if they could be?
Unfortunately, the federal income tax is a complete mess.
It's not efficient, fair, or simple. It fosters tax avoidance and cheating and costs billions of dollars to administer.
First proposed in 1981 by Hoover fellows Alvin Rabushka and Robert Hall, the flat tax was intended to simplify the federal tax system by replacing the progressive federal income tax system with a low and simple flat tax. They believed that the flat tax was the fairest, most efficient, simplest, and most workable tax plan.
The flat tax plan would give an enormous boost to the US economy by dramatically improving incentives to work, save, invest, and take entrepreneurial risks. It would also save taxpayers hundreds of billions in direct and indirect costs.
As we navigate the complexities of our present tax system, it becomes evident that change is necessary. The classic book, The Flat Tax, critiques the flaws in our highly progressive tax structure and introduces a practical, efficient, and workable alternative.
Hall and Rabushka explain that:
- All income should be taxed once, and only once, at a uniform low rate.
- A flat tax would eliminate the distortions of the present tax treatment of business.
- It is not an academic abstraction but a workable solution that has been implemented in many countries.
- If meaningful, systematic tax reform is to succeed, it won't be birthed in Washington. It will come from millions of taxpayers demanding fairness in taxation.
That's why we want to share this Hoover Classic with as many Americans as possible, starting with you. By requesting your free copy of The Flat Tax eBook, you not only gain access to invaluable insights but also become part of a community engaged in reshaping our thinking on taxation.
As you delve into the pages of The Flat Tax, you'll discover not only the critique of the current system but a practical alternative that has been a guiding light for those seeking fairness, efficiency, and practicality.
Join us in unlocking the legacy of The Flat Tax. Claim your free copy now and become part of a movement for transformative ideas in tax reform. You can get your eBook copy here:
Greg Stamps | Online Development
Hoover Institution | Stanford University