Hello —

Tomorrow marks the anniversary of when I signed universal vote by mail into law in Colorado.

Seven years later, and the results have been irrefutably outstanding. Voter turnout has increased across all age groups and communities. We’ve saved taxpayers money. And Colorado was even called “the safest state to cast a vote.”

Colorado has proven that vote by mail works, especially during times like these. I think it’s about time that Washington — and the rest of the country — started to work a bit more like Colorado.

If you agree, sign my petition now to demand the 2020 election be conducted by mail.

Look, we are in unprecedented times. This pandemic is forcing all of us to adjust to a new normal, and it only makes sense that our voting systems adjust too.

In order to keep ourselves, our communities, and our democracy safe, we need universal vote by mail.

Vote by mail isn’t just the right thing to do — it’s also incredibly popular across the board! In Colorado, it took the bipartisan efforts of county clerks and election officials across the entire state to implement vote by mail. Nearly two-thirds of voters think that the November election should be conducted by mail. Heck, even President Trump’s pollster found overwhelming support for vote by mail!

Sign my petition if you agree: we need universal vote by mail for the 2020 elections.

This is going to be one of the most important elections of our lifetimes. There’s too much at stake to risk the health of our people — or our democracy. That’s why it’s crucial that we get to work now to make universal vote by mail a reality everywhere.

Coloradans know that voting by mail works. Let’s show the rest of the nation what we can do.

Thank you for everything you do.
