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Below are updates on the District's response to the coronavirus pandemic. For the latest and most comprehensive information always visit

Council Budget Engagement Set to Begin

Next week, the Council will receive a draft budget from the Mayor and begin holding Budget Oversight Hearings. For obvious reasons, this budget process will not be like other years. Council committees are each taking written testimony as well as allowing residents to call a phone line and leave testimony, which will be transcribed and included in the official record. Additionally, there will be limited opportunities to testify before committee hearings held via videoconference. Check the Council website for the full schedule of hearings and additional details for each committee. 


The Council Committee on Business and Economic Development, chaired by Councilmember McDuffie, will receive input from the public through multiple channels:


  • Written testimony can be submitted through the witness form.
  • Transcribed oral testimony complete by submitted by completing the witness form, then calling (202) 430-5122.
    • Call the testimony transcription line.
    • When prompted, ready your testimony (speak slowly and clearly).
    • You may provide up to three minutes of testimony.
    • Your testimony will be transcribed and made a part of the record.
    • At the beginning of the message please state your name, spell your name, the agency you are testifying on, provide the name of the organization you are representing (if any), and then begin your testimony.
  • Live testimony via videoconference at hearing on Thursday, May 14:
    • The hearing will take place via Zoom on Thursday, May 14 from 9:00 am to Noon. As with all Council hearings, it will be streamed live on the Council website and broadcast on DC cable channel 13.
    • Complete the witness form to indicate you are interested in signing up to testify.
    • The witness list will open on Monday, May 11, 2020, at 10:00 am and close on May 13, 2020, at 5:00 pm.
      • Participation is limited; witnesses accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
    • The Committee will confirm if you have a live testimony slot and a window for when you should expect to testify.
    • At the beginning of your testimony, please state your name, the agency you are testifying on, and provide the name of the organization you are representing (if any).
  • The hearing record will close at 5:00 pm on June 3, 2020. 

Small Business Spotlight: Creative Grounds Coffee

Creative Grounds (1822 North Capitol Street, NW) is a more than a coffeeshop, it's a community gathering place that had already gained a strong following after opening in the last year at North Capital Street and Seaton Pl NW. They are open during the public health emergency for low-contact coffee and we encourage you to support them. Find them online here:

Twitter: @CreativeGrndsDC
Facebook: /CreativeGroundsDC
Instagram: @creativegroundsdc
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