Earlier this week, the Administration doubled-down on its pledge to repeal the Affordable Care Act that provides millions of Americans with healthcare, even though we are in the middle of a pandemic
SIGN ON to help Greg protect and champion the Affordable Care Act in Congress »
Look, this COVID-19 crisis is no time for politics as usual — now, more than ever, we need to come together across party lines to protect the healthcare that millions rely upon. 
The healthcare of Arizona families is at risk. We need Congress to protect the Affordable Care Act now!
Join Greg and DEMAND Congress protect the Affordable Care Act | SIGN ON »
Thank you for taking action to make sure Americans don't lose their healthcare coverage during this COVID-19 crisis, 
-- Team Stanton
Paid for by Stanton for Congress

Stanton for Congress
4340 E Indian School Rd.
Suite 21-518
Phoenix AZ 85018 United States