It's hard to know where to begin. Would the U.S. Congress benefit most from having McKayla Wilkes join it or from having Steny Hoyer leave it?
Luckily, we don't have to choose! We can do both by building up national support for Wilkes in Maryland's Fifth District primary against Hoyer.
A very few of the things Mckayla Wilkes is committed to working for are: Medicare For All; a Green New Deal; a $15 minimum wage; major housing reform reducing homelessness; abolishing private prisons, the death penalty, cash bail, ICE, and "right to work" laws; a life-time ban on members of Congress and the Cabinet becoming lobbyists; taxing estates, wealth, financial transactions, and upper incomes; investment in primary education and debt-free college; demilitarizing police; and creating a universal basic income.
Wilkes even proposes using the War Powers Resolution to end U.S. participation in the war on Yemen, and moving at least $200 billion out of military spending, as well as "massively increasing funding for foreign aid programs, especially in regions victimized by unjust American military interventions."
Click here to support Mckayla Wilkes for Congress and RootsAction.

Steny Hoyer has long served as the number-two Democrat in the House, often using leverage for policy agendas that are unpopular with the party’s base but popular with Wall Street and the military-industrial complex. In late 2002, he was among the minority of House Democrats voting to authorize war on Iraq. In 2008, he angered civil-liberties advocates when he helped draft a “compromise bill” with Republicans that expanded government surveillance power and immunized telecom firms for privacy abuses. In 2012, he urged a “grand bargain” budget deal that would cut entitlement programs.
Hoyer keeps busy obstructing progressive initiatives from Medicare for All to a Green New Deal. Only 15 House Democrats have a lower lifetime environmental score from the League of Conservation Voters. But Hoyer still finds time to obstruct progressive candidates. In 2018, as heard on secretly recorded audio, he overtly pressured a progressive candidate to bow out of a Denver-area congressional primary in deference to an opponent anointed by party leaders.
Hoyer represents a southern Maryland district that is two-fifths people of color. For nearly four decades, he has routinely coasted to re-election while lavishly funded by corporate interests.
This year needs to be different!
Want to help us say goodbye and good riddance to Steny Hoyer? Click here.

Thank you!
--- The RootsAction.org Team
P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Frances Fox Piven, Phil Donahue, Sonali Kolhatkar, and many others.
>> RootsAction: "Bad Blues: Some of the House Democrats Who Deserve to Be Primaried"
>> BuzzFeed: "Inspired By AOC, A Young Progressive Woman Is Trying To Take Down The Second Most Powerful Democrat In The House"
>> Lee Fang, The Intercept: "Steny Hoyer Pressures Progressive to Leave Race"
>> David Swanson: "Hoyer Can't Handle Questions"