![]() Patriot, How many federal agencies are watching you with facial recognition technology? At least 20, according to a Government Accountability Office audit. But even the GAO doesn’t know what the government is doing with the data they’re collecting on you: ![]() Now, some members of Congress are looking into how the government plans to protect your personal identifiable information and privacy, after a report noted there is a lack of federal oversight with these technologies. But to be blunt, we know the government is spying on us and abusing this technology, because that’s
what they always do! As Edward Snowden revealed, the government abuses surveillance technology to spy on the entire American population. There is no reason whatsoever to think they have reformed when Congress and the White House have never, at any point, forced them to. That’s why we need to DEMAND Congress shut down spying on the American people RIGHT NOW. STOP spying on Americans. STOP building a database of our biometric information. STOP using facial recognition to track us! Read C4L Executive Director John McCardell’s alert below, and if you haven’t already done so, please contact Congress right now. For Liberty, Heather D. Director of Legislative Affairs ------- Forwarded Message ------- From: Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty <[email protected]> Date: On Thursday, October 17th, 2024 at 5:09 PM Subject: Will you stand up and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH? To: [email protected] Patriot, There’s nothing tyrannical bureaucrats love more than to invade your privacy. And now they’re ramping up their plans to track your every move. Whether it’s NSA snoops listening in on your phone calls or FBI agents poring over your online profile, “keeping America safe” is really just a euphemism for government stooges spying on you and storing YOUR personal data. But now the government has a new tool to track your every move: facial recognition.
Once the government has your face in their database, they don’t just have a digital fingerprint to identify you . . . they can track you through time, every time you pass by a government camera. Already, the government has put cameras like these in major airports. Now with private partners like Clearview AI, they can identify your name, social media profiles, friends and family members, home address, and photos in moments. They’re using facial recognition technology and artificial intelligence to identify you and decide whether you’re too much of a “risk” to “allow” to travel. Already, American citizen political activists have been placed on the “No Fly List.” The last time the list was leaked in 2013, it included 47,000 people. And now, the TSA is demanding the ID you use to get on an airline includes a high-definition facial scan. And if you won’t give the government
what they want, you won’t be allowed to fly. Patriot, the government has been pushing to force this on Americans for decades. This is exactly what was foretold in books like George Orwell’s 1984. Tell Congress: STOP SPYING on the AMERICAN PEOPLE! The TSA has been using face scans in the largest airports since 2017. They’ve set a 10-year target to force every American to submit or be denied their ability to board an airplane. The situation is eerily similar to the IRS's push in 2022 to require facial recognition scans for Americans to access their tax returns. This was met with fierce backlash by Campaign for Liberty supporters like you over privacy concerns and ultimately scrapped. One of the many worries over the tax collector's program was data breaches, and the TSA already had its facial data breached in 2019. But now, the government is aggressively expanding the use of facial recognition technology for identification. The universal government sign-on website just made facial recognition login technology available to all users. They tout it’s elective now and will make your life easier. You can bet in time it will become mandatory. That’s why it’s critical we tell Congress RIGHT NOW: STOP spying on
Americans. STOP building a database of our biometric information. STOP using facial recognition to track us! It’s all part of the Surveillance State agenda . . . and you don’t have to connect many dots to see it. A Central
Bank Digital Currency to spy on and control how you spend your money. . . A Vaccine Passport to make you surrender your bodily autonomy. . . A Green New Deal to prevent you from enjoying the benefits of civilization. . . A Universal Gun Registry and Red Flag legislation to confiscate your right to self-defense if you step out of line. . . And a network of cameras to track your every move. These systems can be used to conduct general suspicion-less surveillance of law-abiding Americans that could easily be tied into the government’s other databases or watch lists and lead to the targeted harassment of passengers who frequently opt-out or stand up for their Fourth Amendment rights. Not long ago, a Georgia man was arrested on a fugitive warrant for luxury purse thefts in Louisiana. The arrest was triggered through the use of facial recognition technology. Never mind the accused had never been to Louisiana in his life. He spent nearly a week in jail before the government realized their error. And now the TSA wants to use this same technology to screen travelers. Why do we put up with it? Why don’t the American people stand up and fight back? Are we cattle – simply relying on the government to make us safe and secure? When will we stand up and say, “Enough is enough!”? We have to wake up and say, “We’ve had it!” How many Americans will be stripped of their dignity and subjected to the invasive and dehumanizing screening procedures? We know what happens in totalitarian countries like China, where facial recognition and AI are used to spy on and profile all of their citizens, complete with a “social credit score” that is used to strip troublemakers of their basic rights. Tell Congress RIGHT NOW: STOP spying on
Americans. STOP building a database of our biometric information. STOP using facial recognition to track us! Patriot, I'm grateful Campaign for Liberty has the support of good folks like you and hope you know it means the world having you standing alongside us to fight to restore lost freedoms and defend the freedoms we have left. Now it’s time to demand Congress act. Are you with me? If so, please don’t just sign your directive to Congress . . . Please make a contribution to Campaign for Liberty to help us continue to spread the word and mobilize patriots like you. We need to reach many more Americans and activate them to be involved for liberty’s sake too. Can you give a donation of $50 today? If not $50, can you make a donation of $20? Or perhaps you can help us expand this program to stop the Surveillance State with a donation of $100, $500, or even $1,000 today. So please sign your petition, telling Congress to stop spying on the American people. And then, please make a generous contribution as well to keep us in the fight! For liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director P.S. For too long the American people have been spied upon by a government that despises them. At every turn, the spy state is pushing facial recognition technology on us under the guise of keeping us safe. No! Now we must tell them enough is enough. Tell Congress RIGHT NOW: STOP spying on Americans. STOP building a database of our biometric information. STOP using facial recognition to track us! After you sign your directive, will you make your largest possible donation to help Campaign for Liberty gear up to fight back against the Surveillance State? Can you give a donation of $50 today? If not $50, can you make a donation of $20? Or perhaps you can help us expand this program with a donation of $100, $500, or even $1,000 today. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great
American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of
education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |
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