Electing More Pro-Family, Pro-Life, America First Conservatives!
Sunday, October 20, 2024
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer
Friends, the challenges we face are enormous. To defend our values, we are partnering with various allies, including Lindsey Communications, The Lindsey Foundation, Faith Wins and the Pacific Justice Institute to empower the resurgence of the Church vote. Below is their latest alert. Please share the resources included here with your church leaders and fellow worshippers. – Gary
The Church Finds Its Voice
A Coalition of Lindsey Communications, The Lindsey Foundation,
Faith Wins and the Pacific Justice Institute
to Empower the Resurgence of the Church Vote!
Comm #54:
The Alarming Consequences of Not Voting:
Very Real, Very Bad
It’s one thing when the enemies of the American Church want it silenced during national votes, but it’s another entirely when the Church will silence itself.
One of the most egregious and unBiblical decisions a Christian can make is to “stay out of it” when a vote is taken to select a president, a governor, senator etc.
The alarming consequences of Christians not voting are life changing. In fact, according to a new Barna poll, most Christians think this election will impact their lives a lot. Yet many plan to not vote because they are not interested, or don’t really like either candidate.
Those are no reasons. At all. We have a responsibility to vote, not a right to vote. Here is Brad Dacus, and Chad Connelly, Joan Lindsey and Kielle Lindsey to lay out what actually happens when Christians select themselves out of a vote.
COMM 54 Video
Noted poller George Barna presents survey on Christians & Voting.
“A Pre-Election Survey of Self-Identified Christians Who Regularly Attend Church Services, Examining Attitudes and Behaviors Related to the 2024 Election and Church Engagement in the Election Process.”
2,000 church-going, self-identified Christians, were interviewed. Here are a few highlights:
- 57% believe the outcome of the November 2024 election will make a big difference in their lives.
- 29% say the November 2024 election will make only some difference.
- 23% of churched Christians identified moral decline as a defining issue in this election.
- 42% of church-going Christians supported abortion on demand.
- 67% identified economic matters as the top concern, especially inflation and the cost of living
- 33% the federal deficit and debt
- 43% named importance of addressing poverty and homelessness
- 41% said abortion was the 7th-ranked issue
When asked if they would prefer that their churches be more involved or less involved in the 2024 election than they had been in other recent elections, the respondents were split. A plurality (42%) opted for the status quo, preferring the same level of involvement as in the past. The other half of the respondents were evenly divided between saying they prefer their churches to be more involved (25%) or less involved (27%).
Read more.
The Church Finds Its Voice
Leadership Coalition
Joan Holt Lindsey, Owner and Founder of Lindsey Communications
Chad Connelly, Founder and President of Faith Wins
Brad Dacus, Founder and President of Pacific Justice Institute
Kielle Lindsey is the President of the Lindsey Foundation
WALLBUILDERS: America’s Best Historical Sermons for Your Consideration
WallBuilders sermons archives are aptly relevant to current political and cultural events.
TRUSTED MEDIA SOURCES (Credit: Media Research Center)
Washington Examiner
Daily Caller
Washington Times
Real Clear Politics
The Daily Wire
CNS News
News Max
One America News
El American
Contact Us:
Chad Connelly
President, Faith Wins
[email protected]
To read more about Church Do’s and Don’ts and for an expanded list of resources and contacts to call for help, please visit: http://faithwins.us/resources/
Brad Dacus
President, Pacific Justice Institute
[email protected]
Joan Holt Lindsey
Founder and President, Lindsey Communications
[email protected]
Kielle C. Horton
President, the Lindsey Foundation
[email protected]
