The American people deserve judges who will protect our rights and serve the interests of justice–not the interests of extremists. But far too many federal judges seem more interested in enacting a far-right, MAGA agenda from the bench instead of serving the American people. |



The American people deserve judges who will protect our rights and serve the interests of justice–not the interests of extremists. But far too many federal judges seem more interested in enacting a far-right, MAGA agenda from the bench instead of serving the American people.

Tell Congress: No More MAGA Judges

We can't afford more MAGA judges in the federal judiciary, taking away our rights and threatening our families. It's time for lawmakers to protect the interests of the average American and confirm more fair-minded judges who uphold the rule of law instead of extremist ideology.


Join us and call on Congress to confirm more fair-minded judges now.


The team at Demand Justice

P.S. - want even more resources on the far-right takeover of our courts? Visit for fact sheets, sharable video, and talking points you can use to learn more about the dangers of MAGA judges!