THE HILL: 22 AGs demand USDA reject rule that would cut SNAP benefits


URGENT: President Trump is once again trying to kick people off food stamps in the middle of a pandemic. Democratic AGs are fighting back, but we need to know where 43 more Democrats stand, and we’re missing your response. Tell us now:


Do you support Trump’s cut to food stamps?

FIRST: The Trump administration moved to cut SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits for more than 700,000 Americans, but Democratic AGs SUED and temporarily blocked the cuts.

THEN: Trump tried to slash SNAP AGAIN. Under the new proposed rule, 3.1 MILLION people would lose access to SNAP AND 265,000 children would lose access to free lunch. All during a global pandemic.

NOW: A coalition of 22 Democratic AGs are fighting back and urging the Trump administration not to move forward with these damaging cuts.

As one of our top supporters, you’ve been selected to participate in our focus group of Democrats to help us plan our strategy for the fight ahead. We’re going to review these results tomorrow AM, and we’re still missing yours, so please weigh in by midnight tonight:


Do you support Trump’s cut to food stamps?

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