%%FIRST%%, I'm pleading with you to contact your Member of Congress TODAY and demand they pass Delilah's Law! Otherwise, they won't think it's a priority, and your tax dollars will continue being spend to buy dog and cat meat from China's cruel, dangerous wet markets.

Friend, we need you to contact your Member of Congress TODAY.
AMAZING NEWS: Thanks to your support, Delilah’s Law (S.3628) has officially been introduced!
Delilah’s law will prohibit government labs from ever spending a single cent of your tax dollars to purchase dogs, cats and other victims from wet markets in China… PERMANENTLY!
But ONLY if it’s passed into law… and that’s where you come in, Friend.
Please follow this link or click the button below to message your member of Congress right now and tell them: PASS DELILAH’S LAW!
Friend, Congress will push off voting on this legislation unless taxpayers like you demand it be a priority.
Please take action right now.
Arin Greenwood
Communications Director
White Coat Waste Project