After weeks of stay home orders, your streaming services are likely getting more use than usual. Perhaps you're scrolling through social media more often. Regardless of where you stumbled across the issue – chances are you've formed an opinion (or two) about keeping big cats like tigers, jaguars, lions, and other exotic animals in captivity. With Americans more concerned about these animals than ever before, Congress must seize the moment and at last outlaw private ownership of big cats.

Right now, thousands of big cats are caged in private zoos, kept as pets, bred for profit, displayed for novelty, or sold for "wildlife parts" in the United States.

Tell Congress: Big cats are not pets. Sign the petition.

We have an ineffective hodgepodge of state-by-state laws that doesn't protect anyone – human or otherwise. We must end the private ownership of big cats. It's dangerous to owners and communities. It's abominably cruel to the cats.



Sign the Petition