Memorial of St. Louise de Marillac
Readings of the Day
Today is the feast of St. Louise de Marillac, venerated since 1960 as the Patron Saint of Social Workers. Faith-filled and innovative, in the mid-1600s Louise and St. Vincent de Paul co-founded the Daughters of Charity, the first community of religious women dedicated to direct service to the poor, sick and vulnerable.
This feast is an occasion to celebrate the service of the Daughters of Charity, all the Vincentian family, and indeed all the religious men and women who have contributed to the mission, growth and excellent management of Catholic Charities in the U.S. and the other Caritas organizations throughout the world. We who serve today in agencies and parishes stand on their shoulders.
It’s also an opportunity to celebrate all the social workers in administration, management and direct service throughout Catholic Charities. Social work's core values of service, social justice, the dignity and worth of the person, the importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence place the profession in the center of our ministry, no matter the location, problem area, position or role in which they work.
There is inspiration and consolation in the gospel of today’s liturgy from the Last Supper discourse in John. While preparing his apostles to carry on the mission after his death, Jesus says: “Whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these…whatever you ask in my name, I will do.” Surrounded by uncertainty, illness, isolation, extreme need, loss and death as we have been for so long and will continue to be for the foreseeable future, it would be easy to fall into feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. But we have the “blessed assurance” that our faith, even if faltering, is powerful enough to move mountains, and so our efforts are efficacious. Even when it seems that we are surrounded by darkness, we are not alone. In fact, we are part of the great community of believers, and not just believers, but doers, past and present, to whom Jesus has entrusted the care of the “least of these.” Like St. Louise, we are encouraged to find new ways to serve, adapt and innovate to meet the challenges of these times.
Let us join in prayer daily, not just for those affected by the virus and the hardship it is causing, but also for each other, that we may know peace in the fellowship of our co-workers and the power of our God.
Jean Beil is the SVP for Programs and Services at Catholic Charities USA. Before spending the last 15 years at national office, Jean served in three different local Catholic Charities agencies.