In this issue: take action on planning, how nature is sustaining us in lockdown, and discover the dawn chorus 

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Dear John

In these exceptional times, new planning legislation has been introduced by the government to allow emergency infrastructure, such as hospitals, to be built.

The coronavirus pandemic has called for unusual measures. But the changes are also leading to a worrying loss of public access to planning decisions. We’re beginning to see local voices sidelined and undemocratic bypassing of public access to the planning process – risking long-term loss of oversight and poor decision-making.

This mustn’t be allowed to happen. Can you urge your MP to back a democratic planning system?

Email your MP

Read on for the latest news from us at CPRE, and some more ideas on how stay connected to the countryside and each other, and to keep you occupied at home.

Lockdown brings us closer to the countryside


Connecting with nature and the countryside on our doorstep has been vital to the wellbeing of millions of us during the pandemic.

Our poll with the Women’s Institute shows that more than half of people feel more aware of the wellbeing benefits of green spaces, and two-thirds think that protecting and enhancing these green spaces should be a higher priority for the government after lockdown.

Going back to business as usual is not an option – we have to build back better and prioritise protecting and enhancing the open spaces we all enjoy.

Nature's free concert


Have you noticed a resurgence of birdsong during lockdown?

Tuning in to the dawn chorus – nature’s free concert – can really lift our spirits, providing those little bursts of happiness that we all need in these difficult times.

If you can’t hear them outside, we’ve put together a short video with 3 minutes of pure birdsong delight for you all to enjoy.

If you want to try and identify the calls you can hear, check out our guide to common birds you can hear from home.

Keep our skies advert-free


The government has suggested that they are likely to lift the 60-year ban on sky-writing (writing messages in the sky with vapour trails from planes).

We’re calling for an urgent rethink. Now more than ever, we’re all aware of the need for peace and tranquillity when spending time in the countryside.

Advertising is everywhere and it’s vital for our wellbeing that we can escape this when we’re in the countryside. Our skies must be kept advert-free.

The power of flowers


Wildflowers are emerging from the undergrowth to cover the countryside in flashes of brilliant colour. Even while our time in the great outdoors is curtailed, we can still find extraordinary natural beauty in the most ordinary places.

Wildflower expert Peter Marren shares some of his favourite spring and early summer blossoms and offers hints on where to find them close to home.

Weekend read - Detectorists star shares his love of landscape


'It’s a brilliant thing that I’ve been able to use my love of the natural world in my work'

One of Britain’s best-loved comedy stars, Mackenzie Crook, tells us why he loves wildlife-spotting, how the countryside has inspired his work, and why might have been a hedgelayer in another life...

Stories to inspire the next generation


Last month I shared with you some of our staff’s favourite books about the countryside and nature.

This month, we’re taking a look at the stories that sparked their love for the countryside as children or young adults.

If you’re searching for stories to inspire any restless young people you have at home, look no further.

Thanks for everything you do to support the countryside. We wish you, your family and friends all the best over the coming weeks and months.

Calum McGregor

Digital Engagement Officer

CPRE The countryside charity

CPRE is funded by donations from people like you. Together, we can help our beautiful countryside thrive, for everyone’s benefit - now and for generations to come.

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