[first name],


Today is Ahmaud Arbery’s birthday, and he would have turned 26 years old.


Ahmaud went for a jog in his neighborhood one afternoon, and was shot and killed because of the color of his skin. Neither of the men involved were arrested or charged until a video of the shooting went viral. They had lived free for two months after they murdered him. 


Now they’re in custody, but Georgia’s “Stand Your Ground” law may be the reason they get away unscathed. This law is being weaponized in Georgia, and at least 24 other states, as the legal justification for racially charged acts of violence. Being black is not a crime, and it’s on us to put a stop to this.  


Tell your Governor to put the safety of their constituents first, and take action to dismantle “Stand Your Ground” laws.


In just a few weeks, we’ll mail petitions to the Governors whose states have “Stand Your Ground” laws,  and we need to show as many names as possible.

Will you add your name? We need to make these Governors decide: They could either stop being complicit in racially charged violence, or they could face the power of our movement.

Thanks for taking action,


Amber Goodwin 

Founder and Executive Director






Community Justice Action Fund
1875 K St NW
Washington, DC 20006
United States