After nearly 2 months of our country, and most of the world, being closed for business, America is finally beginning to re-open.
Many states have begun the process of re-opening their economy, providing vital relief to over 30 million unemployed Americans. The latest unemployment numbers have shown that in a matter of months we have gone from record low unemployment to unemployment numbers that we haven't seen since the Great Depression.
While we must take proper safety precautions to help protect American lives, we must re-open society to preserve American livelihoods.
It is not the job of government to deem which jobs are and are not "essential." The fact is, any job that allows an American citizen provide for themselves and their family is essential. It is essential to them.
We applaud the states that have begun the vital process of safely re-opening their economy and we look forward to seeing the continued progress.
Together, we will not only defeat this virus, but we will re-build our economy and continue breaking economic records like we were just a short time ago.
As America begins the process of re-opening our country and re-building our economy, we need your help.
Two vital measures that we continue to push for are:
The answer to the economic crisis we currently face is NOT further federal government bailouts. No amount of government spending can support and sustain the over 30 million unemployed Americans.
What we need to get the American people safely back to work, so they can reclaim their livelihoods. And once they return to work, we must stop big government from taking their hard-earned money. After all, it’s not just a virus that threatens lives; it is also economic catastrophe that results in more suicides, more domestic abuse, higher rates of drug and alcohol use, and more. Allowing Americans to support their families once again will also save lives and is the only true, long-term solution to the economic crisis we now face.
If you agree, please help us spread this message far and wide. Post on social media, write to your Members of Congress, do whatever you can to help get this vital message out. And when doing so please use the hashtag #SaveOurCountry.
Also, please consider signing this letter from the American Legislative Exchange Council telling state leaders to say "No Thanks" to a federal bailout.
ICYMI: I joined Mark Levin live on his radio show to discuss the movement to re-open American and #SaveOurCountry.
In an effort to fight the rampant disinformation from the Democratic Party and the Mainstream Media, concerning the Coronavirus and the Trump Administration's response, we have created a quiz.
This quiz provides the truth and indisputable facts concerning the coronavirus pandemic and the Trump Administration's response.
This week was not only a good week for re-opening our country, it was also a good week for justice...
That’s because the FBI was exposed for corruptly working to set-up Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and actively trying to destroy his life.
When this utter corruption was brought to the light of day, the criminal case against Gen. Flynn was dropped. As the saying goes, “the truth will set you free,” and the truth set Gen. Flynn free.
But, as I pointed out in my latest op-ed, this isn't the first time we’ve seen “public servants” abusing their power to attack innocent people and groups who happen to hold different viewpoints from those in charge.
We've seen this before, and while disappointed, we aren’t shocked. Last week’s revelations about contemporaneous FBI notes in the case of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn make it abundantly clear – there is no question that Gen. Flynn was railroaded by the FBI, in what can only be described as an appalling abuse of power by so-called “public servants.” Read more...
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