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Best Lt. Governor In the Country

Earlier today, Democrats picked their party's nominee for lieutenant governor. It was a long, chaotic process, and you might have seen they had some trouble finding someone to take the (short term) job. Here's a quick rundown on what happened, in case you missed it.

But really, I just feel incredibly lucky that Indiana already has the best lieutenant governor in the nation, Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch.

Suzanne Crouch is a full partner to Governor Holcomb -- everyday, and especially now as we have an all-hands-on-deck effort to safely get Indiana back on track as we continue to fight the coronavirus.

Whether it's looking out for our rural communities, helping Hoosiers find housing security, supporting our tourism industry (especially in these difficult times) or...I know dear to her heart...supporting the most vulnerable Hoosiers among us with disabilities, she's doing great things to lead our state everyday. 

Indiana's lucky to have Lt. Governor Crouch, and I know we'll continue to be lucky to have her for another four years as she was Governor Holcomb's first and ONLY choice for the job. 

- Chairman Kyle Hupfer

Governor Holcomb's Week That Was

Indiana Back on Track: Testing & PPE

Last week when Governor Holcomb unveiled his Back on Track plan, he laid out a phased plan for reopening Indiana over the next two months. It’s data-driven, it’s comprehensive, and it’s focused first on Hoosiers’ health. If you missed it, you can read the full plan and its phases here.

One of the guiding principles that will ensure we’re safely getting back on track is ensuring that all Hoosiers who are showing COVID-19 symptoms can get tested. Here's an update on where we are with testing:

  • This week, Indiana opened its large-scale, statewide testing program at 20 sites across the state. This will expand to 30 additional sites in the next week. This adds 30,000 more COVID-19 tests a week to Indiana’s statewide testing capacity!
  • You can make an appointment for a test by visiting or calling 888-634-1116.
  • With drive-through clinics, hospitals, local health departments and other community-based sites also testing, there are now more than 120 COVID-19 testing locations throughout the entire state. Find the site closest to you here.

If the guiding principles of this plan continue to look good -- including numbers of hospitalizations, surge capacity, availability of testing and expanded contact tracing -- then we should complete these five stages July 4. However, that will require the work of all Hoosiers!

But that’s not all that happened this week. Governor Holcomb also announced the opening of the Indiana Small Business PPE Marketplace, which is connecting small business and nonprofit organizations with PPE so they can safely reopen. As Hoosiers return to work, this is another critical component to Indiana’s safe, measured and phased reopening. You can learn more about the Indiana Small Business PPE marketplace here.

To stay up to date on the latest developments, please make sure you're following Governor Holcomb on FacebookTwitter and Instagram

Thank you to every Hoosier who is doing his or her part to stop the spread of the coronavirus and flatten the curve. We're #INThisTogether, and we're getting #BackOnTrack!

Primary Election Resources
Early, in-person voting begins later this month (May 26)! Are you ready? We want to make sure you're ready for Indiana's primary on June 2! Here are the upcoming dates you need to know:
  • Thursday, May 14: Traveling Boards Begin
  • Thursday, May 21: Deadline for a Request for an Absentee By-Mail Ballot to Be Received by the Clerk or Board of Elections and Registration
  • Tuesday, May 26: Early Voting Begins In Person
For a list of upcoming election deadlines and for instructions on how to request an absentee ballot, visit your new Indiana Republican Resource Page here.
Celebrating Hoosier Teachers & Nurses
This week, we celebrated National Nurses Day and are continuing to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week! During these difficult times, our teachers and nurses have made many sacrifices to continue serving their communities. From all of us here, we want to say thank you for all that you do for us and for Hoosiers across the state! Thank you!

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb discusses new website to help Hoosiers find testing sites
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch appoints interim Executive Director of OCRA
Senator Todd Young promotes helping Hoosiers well-being during the pandemics
Senator Mike Braun discusses what we can do to protect nursing home residents
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski introduces bill to financially help college students
Congressman Jim Banks to serve on China task force
Congressman Jim Baird says small businesses can take advantage of state's PPE
Congresswoman Susan Brooks unveils bipartisan American Drug Independence Act
Congressman Greg Pence says he'll go to D.C. to work at this time
Congressman Larry Bucshon thanks nurses on National Nurses Day
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth thanks teachers on Teacher Appreciation Day

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