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Senators to unveil carbon tax bill to generate $2.5 trillion in 10 years
"The legislation would rebate about 70 percent of the money to families that make less than $130,000 per year"
Reuters, July 24, 2019

Dear John,

Climate change is real, pressing, and becoming more extreme the longer we wait to act. But to pass meaningful legislation we need to find concrete solutions that can be enacted right now.

Senator Chris Coons introduced legislation with a bold vision to address climate change and a specific policy to put a price on carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions.

Not only is placing a price on carbon the most efficient solution to combating climate change, it's also fiscally responsible. An investment in clean energy is an investment in our workers and communities, and revenues received from the legislation will go right back in the pocket of hard-working Americans.

This legislation will reduce carbon emissions, help us rebuild critical infrastructure, and generate economic growth, putting us on a path toward a cleaner energy future. This kind of concrete, enactable strategy is what we need to tackle the existential threat of climate change.

If you agree that Congress needs to take climate action right now and put a price on carbon, join Chris by becoming a citizen co-sponsor of the Climate Action Rebate Act today.

Thank you,

Team Coons

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