![]() “McConnell Urges Senators To Abandon Push For Privacy Protections,
Pass House-Approved FISA Extension” Dear Patriot, That headline from a One America News report last night makes it pretty clear . . . Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) hopes “the Senate will pass it next week, free of amendments that would jeopardize important tools.” Senator McConnell and his Deep State lieutenants want to BLAST the Deep State’s SHAM FISA reform (H.R. 6172) through the Senate with ZERO changes. You and I cannot let that happen without giving our all to ensure real reform of the abusive domestic spying powers they’ve proven they’ll abuse. We must fight to stop them from reauthorizing BLATANTLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL warrantless Deep State spying that lets government goons forcibly collect, store, and search every American’s emails, phone records, text messages, Internet searches, instant messages, online purchases, and Facebook posts whenever the Deep State wants! That's why my staff is prepared to blast fax after fax to KEEP THE HEAT ON and your petitions pouring in. Patriot, melting down congressional phone lines with tens of thousands of faxes is not cheap. So, I’m counting on Campaign for Liberty supporters to pitch in $50 or more right away to get this done. But please don’t stop there. You and I must do all we can to make sure your U.S. Senators get the message LOUD and CLEAR that the Deep State’s SHAM FISA reform is unacceptable. So I hope you’ll please call your U.S. Senators as well. It's critical when they return to work on Monday that their voice mail is full, so please be sure to leave them a message. Tell them you want to make it 100% clear that warrantless spying on Americans is unacceptable! Encourage them to support the Paul and Wyden amendments to H.R. 6172 and oppose the underlying bill -- INSIST they oppose any SHAM reform that gives the Deep State warrantless spying powers on Americans! >>> To call #N/A CLICK HERE TO LAUNCH YOUR MOBILE
DEVICE’S CALLING FEATURE IMMEDIATELY or by dialing #N/A! >>> To call #N/A CLICK HERE TO LAUNCH YOUR MOBILE DEVICE’S CALLING FEATURE IMMEDIATELY or by dialing #N/A! Tell them you’ve had enough of the government abuse and snooping on law-abiding Americans made possible by the so-called “USA Freedom Act” and FISA under the guise of “national security” -- DEMAND they vote against the Deep State’s SHAM FISA reform (H.R. 6172)! Warrantless Deep State spying on you, me, or any law-abiding American -- for even for a second -- is just plain wrong. The fact is -- despite the Deep State’s promises -- domestic government spying has never done anything to catch a terrorist. For you and me, that’s no surprise. That’s never what these schemes have been about. From the beginning, they’ve ALWAYS been about shutting up voices like yours and mine who support American freedom. Call your U.S. Senators at once and DEMAND they vote against reauthorizing these BLATANTLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL warrantless spying programs! Please act at once. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman #N/A #N/A