![]() Dear Friend, This is a special Mother’s Day edition of #5Actions. The crisis of the pandemic has exposed and amplified all of the cracks in our systems, including gender and racial disparities, as well as increased racialized violence and white supremacist terror which must be stopped. We are committed to building a better future together—and know that together as mothers we can do just that. On this Mother’s Day weekend, our voices have never been more needed. The numbers tell a story: A full 86% of women in America become moms. Women held 60% of the jobs we’ve lost already [1] and are 73% of healthcare workers infected by coronavirus. [2] Women and moms also hold the majority of jobs deemed “essential,” including 77% of health care jobs, and are the majority of critical retail positions, including grocery store employees.[3] And, women and moms of color are also overrepresented in essential work positions, as well as in fatalities from COVID-19, increasing the impact of the crisis in communities of color. [4] It doesn’t have to be this way. So we invite you to join us in taking action to lift moms, our families, and our democracy: 1. Send a Mother’s Day Card to a Mom in Your Life! Make a donation to empower mothers who do the work, and celebrate or remember the mothers in your life!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SENT A CARD -> Send a Card Now BACKGROUND: Your donation would not only support MomsRising’s work, but also help us celebrate our community. You can honor or memorialize a mom you love with your gift, including sending an e-card of your choice that announces your gift.
Your Action Status: YOUR HAND NOT YET RAISED -> Raise Your Hand BACKGROUND: In this time of necessary social distancing, in this time of fearing for the health of our loved ones and our own, and in this time when our political leadership at the very top has been repeatedly failing to tell the truth and get us medical necessities like coronavirus testing kits that we desperately need, we want you to know that we are with you. We are in this together as the COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting the fact that though we are all in the same storm, we are not all in the same boat. Some of us are experiencing more trauma than others and there are already deep racial and gender disparities that are compounded by this epidemic. Help spread hope and change. → If you feel so moved, please also take a quick moment to share a tip for getting through this hard time.
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 primary elections make it clear that now more than ever we need to be able to mail in our ballots this November. Meanwhile, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is in danger of going under right when we need it most. Help us urge Congress to take action and sign our petition now if you haven’t done so already.
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now BACKGROUND: It is impossible for people who are incarcerated to follow the CDC COVID-19 health and safety recommendations. Urge governors to release vulnerable people from jails, prisons, and detention centers.
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED UP -> Sign Up Now BACKGROUND: Help us send 1,000,000 voting reminder postcards to moms who haven’t always voted in the past to help them exert their voting power this November. Sign up to receive free packets of 10 pre-stamped, pre-address, gorgeous, eye-catching postcards for you to fill out in a jiffy, which, a few weeks before the Nov. 3 elections, we’ll release in a tidal wave of heart-felt mom-to-mom messages to vote.
--- Amber, Anita, Aryan, Beatriz, Beth, Casey, Christina, Danielle, Diarra, Diana, Donna, dream, Elyssa, Felicia, Gloria, Jessica, Joan, Jordan, Joy, Julia, Karen, Keisha, Kelle, Kristin, Linda, Maggie, Monifa, Nadia, Nancy, Nate, Nina, Rocío, Rosie, Ruby, Ruth, Sara, Shanette, Sheila, Sili, Sue Anne, Tasmiha, Taylor, Tina, Tola, Xochitl
[1] NPR Register to vote! / ¡Regístrese para votar! Join our Spanish language community, MamásConPoder.org What should MomsRising tackle next? Tell us! ![]() |
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