From CAPT Hung Cao <[email protected]>
Subject You’ve never seen a Senator like me!!
Date October 17, 2024 10:30 PM
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Hi, my name is Hung Cao.

I am the OFFICIAL GOP nominee for U.S. Senate in Virginia, THE battleground
race that WILL decide the Senate Majority.That’s why I’m reaching out to you
Friend and asking for your help.
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Let me tell you a little bit about myself....

I’m a retired Navy CAPT who spent 25 years fighting for our country in some of
the most dangerous battlegrounds in the world.

My family and I came to America when I was just four years old after my father
was put on a kill list in Communist Vietnam. If it wasn’t for America, I
probably wouldn’t be alive today.

I owe my life to this country - so I paid her back by attending the Naval
Academy after graduating high school and dedicating my career to serving

I served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia where I defused IEDs for our SEAL
teams and Special Forces. I performed some of the most dangerous dives in the
military all around the world.

It wasn’t easy, and there were many times where my life flashed before my eyes.

But it was worth it, because I was protecting this country so the next
generation could have the same opportunities that I did.

Now that Democrats are trying to destroy that American Dream, I’m not about to
sit by idly.

Our fight isn’t just overseas anymore. It’s right here in America, where
far-Left liberals in Washington DC are working to erode your freedom and
compromise our future.

I’m not a career politician. I spent my life serving our country, not serving
special interests.

But one thing about me is I’ve always been called to service, and that’s why
I’m running for U.S. Senate in Virginia.
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NOW let me tell you who I’m up against...

Remember when Hillary Clinton ran for President? Well, her hand-picked
Vice-Presidential candidate, a professional politician and liberal activist
named Tim Kaine is MY OPPONENT.

Tim Kaine has been nothing but a pawn in the Senate for Hillary Clinton and
the special interest groups since they lost to President Trump. But, he’s
well-funded by the Clinton allies, and he’s already coming after me with his
campaign war chest.

We all know running a Senate race is EXPENSIVE, and our funds have been
significantly depleted from our primary battle. I'm reaching out to you today
to humbly ask for your support in rebuilding our war chest for the General
Election which is QUICKLY approaching.

Please chip in any support you can, even $10 or $20 to help me take down
Hillary's LAST pawn in the Senate, so we can end their liberal agenda, take
BACK the Senate, and get our nation back on track.
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We have so much riding on this election, and I can’t win this battle without
support from patriots like you.

Please stand with me today and help me restore the America we know and love.

Thank you,

CAPT Hung Cao, USN (Ret)

Former Navy Special Operations

Candidate, U.S. Senate (VA)

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Paid for by Hung Cao for Virginia

Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply
endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense.

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