Major news coverage of a trailblazing international advocacy campaign.
Defending Dignity Weekly Newsletter
Highlights: An international advocacy campaign against the porn industry and more!
BBC: Call for credit card freeze on porn sites ([link removed])
"We in the international child advocacy and anti-sexual exploitation community are demanding financial institutions to critically analyse their supportive role in the pornography industry, and to cut ties with them." ~ Haley McNamara, International Centre on Sexual Exploitation
The BBC is featuring our international advocacy campaign! Read and share it now!
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Call on Executives at Major Payment Processing Companies to End Involvement with the Pornography Industry ([link removed])
Pornography companies are profiting off of myriad forms of sexual abuse and exploitation. No company or brand should have any association with these human rights violations—let alone profit from them the way payment processors currently do. Take action today!
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Announcing the International Centre on Sexual Exploitation! ([link removed])
As a global movement is needed now more than ever, the National Center on Sexual Exploitation decided to launch the International Centre on Sexual Exploitation (ICOSE).
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NCOSE Law Center: How Commercial Sexual Exploitation Persists in a Crisis ([link removed])
In an important video interview, Dani Pinter, Senior Legal Counsel for the National Center on Sexual Exploitation Law Center, breaks down how exploitation has persisted and grown during the COVID-19 pandemic and explains what can be done to combat it.
Watch Now ([link removed])
Take Action Today:
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With gratitude,
Dawn Hawkins
Sr. Vice President and Executive Director
National Center on Sexual Exploitation
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440 1st Street NW, Suite 840 | Washington, DC 20001 US
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