Friend --
Thank you for sticking with us at Country First. Your support means so much as we get ready for the 2024 elections, and as we take a stand for truth and democracy.
We have a big mission ahead, and we need your help, Friend. Our goal is clear: to ensure that Election Officials certify the election results, free from any lying or cheating. This is about standing up for democracy, making sure that every vote counts, and keeping our elections from being held hostage by sore losers.
We need more voices, more people who care about fair elections just like you do. Can we count on you to add your name and sign our petition today?
<[link removed]>Sign the Petition! <[link removed]>
It takes less than a minute, but your signature makes a huge difference. By signing, you're helping safeguard the integrity of this election and ensuring that every official does their job—and certifies the vote!
So please take a moment to sign now <[link removed]> and share this important mission with others.
Thank you for being a part of the team, and for always putting Country First.
Country First Team
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<[link removed]>Join the Movement <[link removed]>
<[link removed]>Wear the Cause <[link removed]>
<[link removed]>Support the Mission <[link removed]>
Country First - PO Box 2385, Ottawa, IL 61350, United States
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