From Congressman Ami Bera <[email protected]>
Subject 📢 endorsement alert!
Date May 8, 2020 8:04 PM
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We know this is a challenging time, so please only donate if you can. Most importantly, take care of yourself and your loved ones during this public health crisis.


Today we're endorsing 2 more exciting candidates and adding 4 new candidates to our Watch List as part of our Frontier program.

Check these all-stars out:

Endorsed Frontier Candidates
- Christy Smith, CA-25
- Jackie Gordon, NY-02

Frontier Candidates to Watch
- Hillary Scholten, MI-03
-Jill Schupp, MO-02
- Deborah Ross, NC-02
- Hillary O'Connor Mueri, OH-14

We're behind them all the way. That means they'll have our financial support. And we're asking if you'll stand with us to help them. Will you chip in $6 a month to become a Majority Defender?
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We began the Frontier program almost a year ago to identify good candidates across the country and help put them in a strong position to win in November. That's because NewDems know how to win in tough races. In 2018, 32 NewDems flipped seats from red to blue.

And that's how we made the Democratic Majority in the House. Now, there's no better way to defend and expand this Majority than by building a strong offensive bench.

These candidates are phenomenal - they're veterans and community leaders who are ready to win. But they already have Republican opponents lining up to stop them.

Will you stand with them by chipping in $6 a month, or whatever you can?
CHIP IN $6 A MONTH [[link removed]]
CHIP IN ANY AMOUNT [[link removed]]

Defending and expanding the Demcratic Majority will help us ensure affordable health care and good economic opportunities for everyone. That matters now more than ever.

If you're committed to making Washington work better for the middle class and working Americans, will you commit to becoming a Majority Defender by giving $6 a month, or whatever you can?

CHIP IN $6 A MONTH [[link removed]]
CHIP IN ANY AMOUNT [[link removed]]

They're ready to get to work - and with your help, we'll send them to Washington to keep moving America forward.

Be well,

Rep. Ami Bera
Chair of the NewDem Action Fund

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P.S. By becoming a Majority Defender, you'll get access to NewDem Race Updates about what we're doing to defend the Democratic Majority in the House and elect these Frontier candidates in November.

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Paid for by the New Democrat Coalition Action Fund, [[link removed]] ,
and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

NewDem Action Fund
233 Pennsylvania Ave SE
2nd Floor
Washington, DC 20003-1121
United States

Email is the best way for us to keep up with supporters like you who want to help elect and protect forward-thinking Democrats in the House of Representatives. If at any time you'd like to stop receiving these emails, please unsubscribe: [link removed] .
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