I’m Sean Casten, and I’ve proudly represented Illinois in Congress since 2018.
I want to reach out to you today to talk about my opponent, and how she’s an example of what we’re facing around our state and country right now. As you may know, my Republican opponent has said some pretty extreme stuff. She amplifies the very worst of Donald Trump and his MAGA extremists:

As concerning as this is, my opponent isn’t the only Republican running for office who believes in extreme, fringe politics. There are candidates around our state and around the country who are running for office to advance these extreme positions.
And that is why I’m reaching out. The IDCCA is working diligently every day to make a difference in all of our communities. In races that are small, like County Board, a few dozen votes can truly make the difference between a conspiracy theorist winning, or a Democrat who will protect our values.
IDCCA needs your help. A handful of votes can make a BIG difference in their races, and that translates into a few hundred dollars or a few extra canvassers. Can you split a contribution right now to support their efforts for a brighter future?
County officials make decisions on the things that affect you and your community the most: which books your kids are allowed to read in school or where to allocate your tax dollars.
We deserve to vote for the future of our communities – and that means electing folks who have plans for the future, and not just people who want to push extreme ideas.
IDCCA does the hard work of turning out voters in these tough races and without their work, we would be in big trouble. Will you join me in supporting their efforts around the state by making a contribution right now?
Thanks for everything,
Rep. Sean Casten