
Since the tragic shootings in El Paso and Dayton, Seth has been fearlessly calling out the NRA and their president, Wayne LaPierre.

Last week, when the NRA quoted the constitution to justify their continued lobbying for assault weapons, Seth pointed out that "the Second Amendment was written in 1791 when people were firing single use rounds of a musket and dueling with pistols." No one needs a weapon of war in America.

As Seth put it, the bottom line is this: “If you need 30 rounds with an AR-15 to hunt deer, then you need to see me for a gun lesson. Because you don’t know what the hell you’re doing.”

Seth is right about the NRA, John. Here’s why:

  1. The NRA does not represent the American people, or even its own members. 74% of NRA members support background checks—but NRA leadership doesn’t listen, because they represent gun makers, not gun owners.
  2. NRA leaders use lies and fear tactics to manipulate the public. A recent NRA ad said that NRA opponents “smash windows and burn cars” and “bully and terrorize the law abiding.” It also insinuated that having guns is the only way to stay safe in America, despite the fact that every statistic shows that just the opposite is true.
  3. After the tragic shootings last week, the NRA released a statement saying it would not be “politicizing these tragedies.” In other words, it will continue business as usual.
  4. The NRA spent $54.4million to elect Trump and Republican Senate candidates in 2016.

Simply put, the NRA is standing between us and an assault weapons ban, universal background checks, and strengthened red flag laws—which is why we need leaders like Seth who aren’t afraid to take them on.

Can you step up and make a contribution today to Seth and send a message to the NRA that their days of endless, entrenched influence are numbered?

The NRA has attacked Seth before because they know he’s not afraid to call them out and take them on. Let’s make sure Seth has the resources to fight back.

Team Moulton