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Dear John,

Even in the middle of a global pandemic, Mitch McConnell is pushing his partisan agenda as hard as ever. As confirmed cases of COVID-19 continue to rise in Washington, D.C., McConnell called back the Senate to session -- not to pass another aid package, but to confirm more unqualified, conservative judges.

Trump and McConnell have pushed through controversial nominees before, but there's one nominee for the D.C. Circuit whose lack of qualifications, and conservative ideology, are particularly jarring: McConnell's 37-year-old protégé and former intern, Justin Walker.

Walker was appointed to his district court seat just six months ago, and now McConnell is rushing through this confirmation -- for a vacancy that won't be available for over 100 days. Walker has a hyper-partisan record, calling the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional and writing that the FBI Director "must think of himself as an agent of the President." That's why Chris, as a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, asked Walker tough questions and held him accountable during his hearing earlier this week.

Chris is fighting hard to stop Walker's confirmation, but he can't do it alone. Will you add your name to tell Mitch McConnell that unqualified, partisan judges don't belong on the Federal Bench?


Walker's litigation experience is insufficient. He's never served as counsel during a trial. He's been vocally partisan and harbors extreme conservative ideologies. And yet McConnell wants to give him a life-tenured appointment to the D.C. Circuit, which is often viewed as the second most important court in the land.

McConnell's latest politicization of the courts proves just how important it is for us to take back the Senate in November.

If you want to stop Mitch McConnell's partisan, unqualified judicial nominees once and for all, add your name now.

Thank you,

Team Coons


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