From Jason Savage <[email protected]>
Subject Sara Gideon silent on assault allegations against Biden
Date May 8, 2020 7:15 PM
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The Maine press is refusing to even ask Sara Gideon if she believes Tara
Reade, despite her well known claim to #believewomen and Gideon saying
that Senator Susan Collins' vote on Justice Kavanaugh inspired her to
run and has been a big driver for her fundraising.

If the Maine press doesn't want to hold Sara Gideon accountable,
it's up to us, Maine voters, to hold her accountable.

Call Sara Gideon right now and ask her: do you believe Tara Reade?

**Sara Gideon's phone number: (207) 865-9593**


Please see more from the Republican National Committee below:

When Sara Gideon jumped into the Senate race last year, her reason for
seeking higher office was because Senator Collins' vote for Justice
Kavanaugh"felt like a betrayal"

of sexual assault survivors.

Since 2018, Gideon has been attempting

to capitalize on Justice Kavanaugh's confirmation, constantly



Collins on social media and receiving support

from special interest groups- solely based on her opposition of
Collins' vote to confirm.

Over the course of the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, Collins and her
staff endured

death and rape threats, and the Senator's husband even opened a letter

that claimed to be filled with ricin in their Bangor home.

On the one year anniversary of Christine Blasey Ford's testimony,
Gideon tweeted that she believes women.

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And, as recently as Monday, Sara Gideon used Justice Kavanaugh's name
in a fundraising email.

Less than a year after her 2019 tweet, Joe Biden was accused of sexual
assault and Gideon has yet to say a single word about Tara Reade- not
even to offer Reade praise for coming forward just as she did

for Christine Blasey Ford.  

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In 2018, Sara Gideon posted

a Planned Parenthood video that asked "How do I respond when someone
shares an experience of sexual assault?" The video and Gideon expressed
the answer is simple, "I believe you

Gideon hasn't said she believes Tara Reade, in fact she hasn't said

**Bottom line:** Sara Gideon supports

Joe Biden and voted for him in March. At the same time, she has staked
her entire candidacy on the need to support all women. Unfortunately for
her, both of those things cannot remain true. Gideon needs to say
whether she still supports Biden or she believes the allegations against
him like she believed those of Christine Blasey Ford.

Sent to [email protected]

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Maine GOP, 9 Higgins Street, Augusta, Maine 04330, United States
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