“No language can express the power and beauty and heroism of a mother’s love.” --Edwin Chapin
This weekend, families across the United States will hopefully be gathering to honor their mother’s, grandmothers, mothers-in-law, adopted mothers and other women who have nurtured them through their lives. The havoc caused by COVID 19 will make that harder for many and even painful for those who have lost loved ones. Let us remember and pray for all those families who are grieving their family matriarch.
The value and worth of mothers in the lives of their children, families, communities and society is all around us. Women, as God intended them, are nurturers. They extend love to all those in need. And isn’t that what God asks of all of us? Thank God for Mother’s who so beautifully portray God’s unbounded love.
Happy Mother’s Day!

Watch for an upcoming opportunity to see a new pro-life movie. Click here for more information.
Alert: Critical Legislative Action Needed!
The Missouri House has passed a bill, HB 1710, which was amended to include tax incentives to pharmaceutical research companies already in Missouri or coming to Missouri to develop vaccines and other pharmaceuticals, including vaccines for COVID 19. This bill was rushed through the House without pro-life protections that would prohibit these research firms from using fetal tissue (aborted babies) or human embryos. 

The bill is now in the Senate. Missouri Right to Life has asked the Missouri Senate to amend this bill with pro-life protections that would prohibit these research firms from using fetal tissue (aborted babies) or human embryos. 

The Missouri Senate Committee, Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics did not vote on HB 1710 Friday at the conclusion of the hearing. 

We need all pro-life Missourians to contact their Senators and reinforce our request for this critical pro-life amendment. The needed language is:
“No public funds or incentives shall be expended, paid, or granted to or on behalf of an existing or proposed research project that involves abortion services, human cloning, or prohibited human research, as those terms are defined under section 196.1127.”
Both Missouri state and national leaders have strongly encouraged the development of a vaccine for COVID 19 through ethical research. There is no necessity for creation or use of embryos, embryonic stem cells, fetal tissue and organs, or fetal cell lines. Numerous ethical alternatives already exist, modern and in many cases already proven. Ethically guided science and medicine is actually the best investment for success.
Please request that your Senator vote against this legislation if the Senate fails to amend it with the pro-life language. This legislation is being rushed through the process and could be considered by the full Senate even tomorrow. Please contact your Senator immediately to ask for pro-life protective language or failing that a “No” vote on HB 1710. 
In addition, please call Governor Parson’s office and extend your concerns about HB 1710 without pro-life protective language. His office number is: 573-751-3222
Click here for more info.
Go here for identity and contact info for your Senator: http://www.senate.mo.gov/LegisLookup/default.aspx/leg_lookup.aspx

Please keep your calls coming. We will update you Monday on the status of HB 1710 and the final outcome of the budget.
Life Links
Steve Rupp: Pandemic focuses our mission on saving lives. That's why abortion is relevant.

Link - Abortion and coronavirus. These separate issues collided recently, exposing the chasm that exists in America over abortion.
Sasse Calls to Protect Americans with Disabilities in COVID-19 Legislation

Link - Senator Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) is urging that Phase Four of federal legislation responding to the COVID-19 outbreak should include protections for Americans with disabilities, whom he says are likely to be disadvantaged by policies to ration limited health-care supplies.
Pro-life leaders urge FDA to seize websites of abortion pill providers

Link - The FDA should 'protect women from the distributers of abortion-inducing drugs who place lives at risk by circumventing your agency’s regulatory safeguards,' the letter stated.
“Price is Right” Show Will Raise Funds for Planned Parenthood Abortion Business

Link - The popular game show “The Price Is Right” will air a controversial show May 11 with drag queen RuPaul playing to raise money for the Planned Parenthood abortion chain.
Nancy Pelosi Pushes Abortion Funding in Coronavirus Bill Meant to Help Unemployed Americans

Link - Pelosi and House Democrats are wanting to fund abortions under legislation that’s supposed to help Americans who are unemployed and needing health insurance coverage.
Little Sister of the Poor on defying ObamaCare mandate: 'We believe in the dignity of every human life'

Link - On Wednesday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in two consolidated cases -- including the case of the Little Sisters of the Poor -- involving competing interests related to the Affordable Care Act: birth control and religious liberty.
Bishop: Christians Must Reject Coronavirus Vaccines Using Abortion Baby Parts, “It’s Immoral”

Link - Catholic Archbishop Joseph Naumann urged pro-life advocates to speak out against the unethical use of cells from aborted babies in the creation of a coronavirus vaccine.
Zoom Founder: Pro-Life Laws Saving Babies From Abortion are “Bad for Business”

Link - Yuan, who is worth $6.9 billion, according to Forbes, signed an open letter in 2019 that slammed states for passing pro-life laws to protect unborn babies from abortions.
Euthanasia lobby is using Covid-19 crisis to pressure Canadian governments to force Catholic hospitals to do euthanasia.

Link - The Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers claims that the killing of patients should last only through the coronavirus panic, but its reassurance rings hollow.
Abortion-Free COVID19 Vaccines

Link - The onset of COVID19 quickly motivated researchers to begin developing vaccines to protect against this sometimes-deadly virus.
‘How Much Is a Human Life Worth?’

Link - Andrew Cuomo and his fellow Democrats work to save lives from COVID-19 while targeting human life in the womb.
Pro-Life Around the State
The Western Region Golf Tournament has been postponed due to the Coronavirus. No date has been set at this time. Please watch for a new date.
July 11 - Jefferson City - Pregnancy Help Center 5K Walk/Run, 8:30 am in Memorial Park.

July 24 - St. Louis - Missouri Right to Life "FORE Life" Golf Tournament. Lunch/Registration - 11:00 a.m. with a 12:30 p.m. Shotgun Start. Click here to register.

September 12 - Jefferson City - Missouri Right to Life Statewide Leadership Meeting. Details coming soon.

MRL Eastern Region has copies of Abby Johnson’s presentation at the 43rd Annual Respect Life Convention, October 13, in St. Louis. They also have copies of the movies Gosnell and Unplanned. If anyone would like to arrange a showing in their chapter or church group, please contact [email protected].