WE TOLD YOU: CBS News reports Kamala Harris is DOWN TWO POINTS to Donald Trump in Georgia.
AND WE TOLD YOU: We needed to raise $15,000 by midnight to build undeniable support for Vice President Kamala Harris and close the gap.
SO WE THOUGHT: Democrats would be rushing to help us hit our critical $15,000 fundraising goal.
But we were WRONG.
We missed our goal by just $1,647. We can’t stress this enough: Every second we fall short could spell disaster for us in November.
So we’re extending our deadline to TONIGHT at midnight, and we need your help to close the gap. Will you chip in $15 to the Democratic Party of Georgia right now???
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: |
Don’t forget: Georgia is one of THE most competitive battleground states in the nation.
But right now, the latest polls show that Kamala Harris is DOWN TWO POINTS to Donald Trump. ↘↘
![CBS Poll](https://prod.cdn.everyaction.com/images/van/NGP/NGP10/1/79081/images/CBSpollGA.png)
So if we’re going to WIN on Election Day, we need to put our operations into HYPER-DRIVE. That’s why hitting our $15,000 goal is so important.
The stakes are higher than EVER, and we can’t afford to fall short. So will you chip in $15 or whatever you can to the Democratic Party of Georgia to help us close the gap by midnight??
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: |
— Democratic Party of Georgia HQ