Folks, I am personally asking you to fill out my 2020 May issues survey today.

I count on your answers to help set our agenda and plan our strategy. That's why I need to know what issues you care about most and where you'd like to see this campaign go.

Now more than ever, we must come together to build a winning movement to give Coloradans a leader they can trust to do what’s right. But the only way we’ll win is if we set our priorities and follow through on them together.

Will you take a few minutes (two, tops!) to share your thoughts with me today by taking my 2020 May issues survey? I can't do this without you.


---------Original message sent May 7, 2020---------

Hello —

Next week, my team and I will sit down (over Zoom, of course!) to set our priorities and strategy for the next couple of weeks. Before we meet, it’s important to me that I get your feedback as part of this process.

While my opponent is busy being Donald Trump’s favorite yes-man, my top priority is making sure this campaign is about you and fighting for your interests in Washington.

I wish I could sit down and grab a coffee (or a cold beer) with each of you — especially since we’re all cooped up during this pandemic — but the next-best way for me to know what’s on your mind is through a quick survey.

Will you take our official May 2020 issues survey today? I want to build a campaign you can be proud of, and your feedback would mean a lot to me personally.


Your feedback is extremely important to me, so I really hope you’ll spare some time to fill out my survey before our team sits down next week.

Thanks. I’ll be in touch soon.

— John