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Just News

for May 8, 2020

News and views from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. Find more at For continuous updates, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
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Mortgages and Older Adults after COVID-19
In the United States, 90% of the current deaths caused by this virus are people over the age of 55. These older adults face a dual threat as a result of COVID-19, first the virus itself and second, being especially susceptible to the economic fallout from the complete shuttering of the economy. [Read more]

Field Notes

Celebrating Older Americans Month During COVID-19
Each May, we gather together as a country to celebrate the accomplishments, community, volunteerism and contributions of older adults, but this year feels different. [Read more]

Our Interconnected Health: Part 2
Given the connections between health and other sectors outlined in Part 1, multi-sector community partnerships and cross-sector policy efforts are key – both to addressing the spread of COVID-19 and its far-reaching consequences, as well as to improving the health of individuals and communities more broadly. [Read more]


How Participatory Budgeting Can Create Affordable Housing And A Just Economy
Participatory budgeting (PB) is a democratic process in which community members decide together how to spend part of a public budget. [Read more]


NCRC COVID-19 Resource Page
We've compiled and are updating an index of COVID-19 resources for communities, small businesses, individuals and organizations that serve them, such as housing counseling agencies. [Read more]


Mental Health Series - Part II: Understanding the Impact of Client's History of Trauma and How COVID-19 is Impacting Them Now 
May 12
This webinar will focus on reviewing presenting behaviors and emotional reactivity of clients' who have experienced a trauma. [Register now]

CRA Reform: Impact on Lending and Investing in Underserved Communities
May 14
Join us for a discussion on how the proposed changes to CRA will impact the most underserved communities. [Register now]

Mental Health Series - Part III: How to Respond to Client Mental Health Challenges During COVID-19
May 20
This webinar will focus on gaining a greater understanding of what mental health disorders are and what effect they have on overall well-being. [Register now]

In the News

Recessions Are Always Racist. This One Could Be Catastrophic.
A study by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition found “better-qualified Black and Hispanic testers who shopped for small business loans at Los Angeles area bank branches were treated worse than less qualified White testers.”  [Vox]

Agencies Urged to Pause CRA Reform as Banks Manage Pandemic Response
A 2019 study by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) found that D.C. had the largest percentage of gentrifying neighborhoods of any city in the U.S., a shift that displaced more than 20,000 Black residents between 2000 and 2013. [National Mortgage News]

On Our Radar

A Third of Americans Didn't Pay Their Rent or Mortgage in May, Survey Says
A lot of the people who were able to afford housing costs in April couldn't make the same payments in May. [Vice]

Ahmaud Arbery Should Be Alive
Convicting his killers is the start. But the family of this modern lynching victim can’t have “justice” in a country with laws that protect White people who kill Black people. [Rolling Stone]

In rural Oklahoma, a Wi-Fi hot spot brings a dash of hope and excitement
At high schools and libraries, in parking lots and side streets, Americans are tapping public Wi-Fi hot spots that are lifelines during the coronavirus pandemic. [NBC News]

Facebook Names the 20 People Who Can Overrule Mark Zuckerberg
The new oversight board will review decisions to remove content. The members are accomplished professionals who are independent of the company. [Wired]
#AfterThis: A Virtual Hug
Here's something new and different from NCRC to encourage hope, creativity and a Just Economy:
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