I know how hard it is to draw the connection between a little red button and a vulnerable animal, maybe thousands of miles away, who is suffering inside a cage at this very moment.
But when enough of us click the red button, when enough people say “this cruelty is wrong,” when enough people send an email—a CEO somewhere starts to panic.
The actions keep flooding in. Customer service lines are ringing off the hook. Inboxes are blowing up. Executives start making frantic calls. And then, they make a decision: A decision to stop sourcing eggs from hens trapped in cages.
This strategy works. We’ve seen it time and time again. And I’m calling on you now to take action against three corporate targets: Wagamama, Lai Sun Dining, and Norwegian Cruise Line.
Let’s hit them hard. Let’s demand change. And let’s make this Week of Action the best one yet.
We owe it to the animals.

Jennie Hunter
Global Corporate Campaigns Team |
P.S. Thank you for continuing to show up. Thank you for continuing to take action. You are our strategy, and you are changing the world.