Take the quiz to find out!
ACLU <[link removed]>
ACLU Supporter, we don't have to tell you that this is the most consequential election of our lifetime.
You already know how much is at stake. For so many of us, this fight is personal.
For more than 100 years, the ACLU has been proud to defend voting rights and more. But with Election Day less than 21 days away, we have to ask:
How well do you know your rights when it comes to voting? Take the ACLU's Know Your Voting Rights Quiz (and then share it with your friends and family!) to make sure you're ready to cast your ballot. <[link removed]> (This link brings you to a third-party website, signforgood.com <[link removed]>)
TAKE THE QUIZ → <[link removed]> (Please note: this link takes you to a third-party website, signforgood.com <[link removed]>)
In solidarity,
Sarah Bleviss Director of Digital CampaignsPronouns: She, her, hers
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