Dear Patriot, Bullying,
fear-mongering, working the clock, suspending the rules to CRUSH debate. .
. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Deep State lackeys Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Jerry Nadler
(D-NY), and their statist pals in Republican House leadership -- they ALL did their part RAMMING SHAM FISA reform through the House before getting out
of town to “shelter at home” as the coronavirus panic swept the nation. As I warned
you then, the “coronacrisis” is exactly the kind of “whatever it takes” nightmare scenario the Deep State always relies on to
further their abusive domestic spying powers. Now, I’m worried Speaker Pelosi and her
statist cohorts could see their maneuverings pay off even beyond the Deep State’s wildest dreams unless I can count on your IMMEDIATE action. You
see, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has reconvened the Senate and my sources are reporting he's going to schedule a vote to RAM H.R. 6172 --
the SHAM FISA reform scheme Speaker Pelosi's House already passed -- through the Senate as soon as early next week. I can almost guarantee
McConnell is plotting to use the coronavirus and Speaker Pelosi's refusal to bring the House back in to session as his excuse to crush real reform and
will instead RAM SHAM FISA reform through the Senate. The good news is before the coronavirus panic kicked off, you and I defied the
predictions of the so-called political experts by stopping Pelosi's SHAM FISA reform from passing in the Senate.
In fact, the efforts of Campaign for Liberty supporters like you, helped force the expiration of three controversial surveillance provisions
originally passed in the so-called "Patriot Act." Those provisions have not been legally in effect since
mid-March because you and I halted (at least temporarily) the Deep State's so-called "reform" measures from passing both
houses of Congress. But the Deep State and their Big Government lackeys in BOTH parties in Congress want the
BLATANTLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL domestic surveillance programs back running full blast.
And with so many Americans willingly submitting to government tyranny right now, it’s up to you and me to make it 100% clear that SHAM FISA
reform is unacceptable. So I’m counting on you to do me two favors.
petition right away! As you’ll see, your signed petition demands your elected officials oppose H.R. 6172 and any other scheme
to reauthorize -- even for a second -- warrantless Deep State spying on you, me, or any law-abiding American.
Then, after you have, please dig deep and chip in
with as generous a contribution as you can afford to help Campaign for Liberty recruit and mobilize more patriots to bring the Deep State’s
unconstitutional domestic spying programs to a crashing halt! The fact is, the statists crafted
this whole scheme in secret with Attorney General William Barr (the Deep State’s Chief Enforcer) to forcibly collect, store, and search every
American’s emails, phone records, text messages, Internet searches, instant messages, online
purchases, and Facebook posts whenever the Deep State wants!
The Deep State has proven over and over they’ll abuse their domestic spying powers. Now
Deep State lackeys Barr, Pelosi, McConnell and the rest of the Deep State's thugs are hoping to pull the wool over Americans’ eyes with this
sham reform or some window-dressing amendment that keeps their spying powers running full blast.
Of course, Barr is the very same Attorney General whose Department of Justice goons asked Congress at the start of this whole coronavirus mess for
“emergency” powers to indefinitely detain law-abiding citizens without so much as judge signing off.
So you don’t have to think very long to see how terrible this could get. . .
Consider for a second the actions of Big Government authoritarians in BOTH parties in the course of this whole coronavirus mess.
And of course, they've added coronavirus to their list of excuses to spy on you and me. In fact, Scott
Gottlieb a former FDA commissioner in the Trump administration recently raised that narrative. Echoing Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill gates on
massive government "track and trace" requirements, he stated “the massive surveillance system that we need to detect
infection quickly we’re hopefully going to have in place.”
Meanwhile tech giants like, Facebook, Google, Twitter, and others openly admitted turning over phone GPS location data to
government officials under the guise of the coronavirus. But the truth is, they have been tied at
the hip to the Deep State for nearly two decades now, handing the NSA gobs of private information on law-abiding Americans any time it’s asked
for! And it will get much worse if this SHAM FISA reform is rammed through.
Warrantless Deep State spying on you, me, or any law-abiding American -- even for a second -- is just plain wrong. And despite the Deep State’s promises, domestic government spying has never done anything
to catch a terrorist, nor will it stop a pandemic. For you and me, that’s no
surprise. Of course, that’s never what these schemes have been about.
From the beginning, they’ve ALWAYS been about shutting up voices like yours and mine who support American
freedom. As I warned you at the time, the “USA Freedom Act” did nothing but put a
fig leaf on the so-called “PATRIOT Act.” Instead of the NSA collecting the
private communications of every American, Congress simply instructed communications companies to act as the NSA’s filing cabinet -- and insisted
these companies jump whenever the NSA told them to. Now, it appears the NSA can’t even
abide by these laughably minimal restrictions. Just recently, court documents revealed the NSA
illegally collected millions upon millions of phone call and message records on innocent Americans!
And President Trump’s own experience -- including being targeted by FBI spies and CIA-approved “whistleblowers” within the White
House -- should show EVERYONE why we cannot continue to allow America to be transformed into George Orwell’s 1984! So, I’m counting on you to sign your STOP WARRANTLESS SPYING ON
AMERICANS petition right away! The good news is, before the coronavirus panic
kicked off, you and I defied the predictions of the so-called political experts by not only forcing the Senate to allow three controversial
surveillance provisions to temporarily expire but also making it 100% clear SHAM FISA reform is unacceptable.
The bad news is, that was before coronavirus. Now you and I must contend with this
“new” same old same old excuse of “keeping us safe” the Big Government statists have always used to justify their blatantly
unconstitutional spying programs on law-abiding Americans. But I’m confident with the
support of liberty loving patriots like you, we can battle back against the statists’ latest excuse too and ultimately strike a death blow on
the crown jewel of Deep State’s domestic spying abuses. After all, it wasn’t too
long ago, the Deep State could count on a rubber stamp from the politicians in the Washington, D.C. “Swamp” for whatever abuse of liberty
they dreamed up, provided they cloaked it under a veil of “national security.”
So if you and I DO turn up enough heat, this is a fight we can win. For the
future of freedom’s survival in America, this is a battle we MUST win. Just since the lid
was blown off our federal government’s domestic surveillance programs in the summer of 2013, we’ve seen story after story hit the press
regarding NSA abuses, including: *** NSA employees spying on ex-lovers and spouses
-- a practice so common, the intelligence community has come up with their own jargon, “LOVEINT,” to describe it;
*** REFUSING to say whether or not they spied on members of Congress, which would effectively destroy
any ability of our government’s Legislative Branch to police this rogue agency;
*** Effectively GUTTING attorney-client privilege by holding confidential records. There are literally
thousands of examples of abuse. The FBI has become so emboldened, recent FOIA documents show
they apparently even targeted me with their snooping programs. This should be no surprise.
Men aren’t angels. Neither are politicians and government bureaucrats. Campaign for Liberty
is pulling out all the stops to TRULY rein in the surveillance state. It’s not going to be cheap, but I’m confident it’s a fight we
can ultimately win. But right now, the Deep State’s congressional lackeys are racing
to compromise away more of our liberties. And they’ll stop at nothing to keep the
Deep State’s unconstitutional domestic spying programs going as close to full blast as they can.
Patriot, it’s up to you and me to stop them. Won’t you please consider making your
most generous contribution of $50 today? I know that's a lot to ask, but
your Campaign for Liberty has been neck-deep in halting America’s further slide toward total authoritarianism and we’ve been stretched
thin during the coronavirus panic. Of course, if $50 is too much, then please consider a generous
contribution of $25 or at least $10. These funds
will supercharge our grassroots muscle to make it 100% clear to your elected legislators -- the FBI, NSA and their Deep State allies have run
rough-shod over Americans’ civil liberties long enough. Then, after you've made your
most generous contribution, I'm counting on the liberty movement to generate as much pressure as we can, which is why I hope you'll sign your STOP WARRANTLESS SPYING ON
AMERICANS petition to your U.S. Senators. This is our best opportunity since
October 2001 to begin rolling back the surveillance state and reclaim our lost liberties. But
with a vote potentially coming as early as this week, there isn’t much time. So after
you've donated and signed your STOP WARRANTLESS SPYING ON AMERICANS petition, won't you please forward this on to your friends and family and
encourage them to take action? Please act at once! For Liberty,
 Ron Paul Chairman
P.S. The FBI, NSA, and their Deep State allies have run rough-shod over Americans’ civil liberties long enough. But Deep State lackeys Barr, Pelosi, McConnell and the rest of the Deep State's thugs are hoping
to pull the wool over Americans’ eyes with SHAM FISA reform that’s nothing but window-dressing designed to keep the crown jewel of the
Deep State’s domestic spying powers running full blast. Now it’s time for you and
I to supercharge our grassroots
muscle and keep the pressure on and DEMAND Congress rein in the surveillance state.
Please make your most generous
contribution of $50, $25, or at least $10 today to help Campaign for Liberty turn up the heat on Congress.