The GOP is once again showing us who they really are, John.
Did you hear the latest news about the Biden administration's student loan forgiveness program, John? ⬇️

Super exciting right? But then, this happened:

That’s right, John. Just days after a federal court in Georgia allowed a pause to expire that would have greenlit the $73 billion in urgent relief, Republican led states moved (again) to block its implementation.
It’s not hard to see why. For years now, the GOP has shown us time and time again who they really are and whose interests they’re protecting.
And spoiler alert, John...they aren’t our interests.. Whether it be Big Oil or Big Pharma, the GOP has a long history of looking out for and protecting the interests of lobbyists and big business. This announcement is just the latest example of this dynamic in action.
The GOP should know that student loan forgiveness is popular — and a salient issue in this year’s election. Nearly half of voters say student loan forgiveness is a key issue for them heading into the November election.
We couldn’t agree more, but today we want to know what you think!
Share your thoughts with us by taking our three-question poll on student loan forgiveness. It should only take a moment to complete!
Take The Poll ➡️
Thank you, John!
In solidarity,