For two decades, Republicans have been enacting a quiet plot to seize control of our judicial system – a plot that reaches all the way to the Supreme Court.
Why? The far right and their dark-money backers are truly terrified: of the American people, of free and fair elections, of meaningful regulations, of any and all progress.
But Republicans have only won the presidential popular vote ONE time since 1988 (2004, for those keeping track). They know they can't win at the ballot box, so instead they rule from the bench.
Will you chip in to my campaign so I can defend my seat in Congress, flip the House blue, and restore justice to our justice system?
This anti-democratic, far-right SCOTUS is everything Republicans hoped for. Just look at its devastating record:
- Squashed efforts to protect kids from school shootings
- Obstructed the federal government's power to reign in reckless corporations
- Declared presidents legally untouchable
- Helped the GOP disenfranchise millions of eligible voters
That's all within the past couple of years.
Let’s not mince words, folks: This is a slow-moving coup. It’s a concerted effort to chip away at the authority of democratically-elected leaders and allow a shrinking faction of extremists to control American life for a generation.
That terrifying prospect is why I’ve proposed a bill to create a brand-new court, which would handle most cases involving the federal government. It would be made up of 13 justices selected randomly from federal courts across the nation; justices who respect the law over political loyalties.
But the only way a bill like this will ever become law is if we have the votes to pass it. That’s why I hope you’ll consider chipping in $10 to elect a majority that will reign in our out-of-control SCOTUS before it’s too late.
Thank you for standing up for democracy.
Sean Casten