We’re asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hear Fire Chief Ron Hittle’s case. The city of Stockton, California fired Chief Hittle after 24 years of service because he attended a leadership conference hosted at a church.
Today, we filed an appeal asking the Supreme Court to reverse a decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit that sided with the city in firing Chief Hittle. We’re also asking the Court to uphold the clear meaning of federal law that protects all Americans in the workplace.
Chief Ron Hittle was an exemplary leader of the Stockton Fire Department. When he became Fire Chief, he worked diligently to improve the department and lead his staff.
City leaders asked him to hone his leadership skills, and Chief Hittle chose the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit, a stellar leadership seminar featuring a diverse line up of religious and non-religious speakers, business leaders, coaches, authors and successful entrepreneurs.
But he was told it was unacceptable for him to attend a religiously affiliated seminar. His superiors opened a months-long investigation, mocked his beliefs, and eventually fired him.
“It is a tragic day for religious liberty in America when someone can be fired because they attend an event that includes religious perspectives,” said Stephanie Taub, Senior Counsel at First Liberty. “The city showed extreme anti-religious bias and broke the law when it fired Chief Hittle.”
Chief Hittle has been fighting through the federal courts for more than 10 years. Despite facing numerous setbacks, this Fire Chief isn’t giving up. And neither is First Liberty.
Federal law protects the freedom of every American to live without fear of being fired simply because of their beliefs. We’re going to continue fighting until Chief Hittle’s rights are vindicated and the City of Stockton is held accountable for its discrimination.
This case isn’t just about one firefighter. It impacts the rights of every person in the workplace.
In today’s cancel culture, many Americans are being forced to choose between their faith and their livelihood. A win for Chief Hittle could be a win that protects millions of Americans–including for you, your children and grandchildren.
First Liberty and Chief Hittle need your ongoing support. Fighting a Supreme Court case requires tremendous resources, and we need to replenish our arsenal for the next and perhaps the most important phase of this legal battle.
We’re counting on you to help us win Chief Hittle’s case.
Please donate today.