Weekly Reads
“Funders, make sure that the listening you do is focused on re-checking assumptions and generating deep understanding of grantees’ and beneficiaries’ needs right now.” [more]
- Kevin Bolduc, CEP blog
Racial bias – both personal and institutional, conscious and unconscious – creeps into all parts of the philanthropic and grantmaking process. The result is that nonprofit organizations led by people of color receive less money than those led by whites, and philanthropy ends up reinforcing the very social ills it says it is trying to overcome. [more]
– Cheryl Dorsey, Peter Kim, Cora Daniels, Lyell Sakaue & Britt Savage, in SSIR
"As exceptional and laudable as philanthropy’s response to the pandemic has been, the aftermath will require wholly new and yet-to-be-discovered ways of being and doing. Donors and funders of all shapes and sizes face a long arc of recovery. They will need to adopt a mindset of traversing this arc in three phases..." – funding for survival, rebuilding, and resilience. [more]
– Mae Hong, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
“I invite everyone who endeavors to foster thriving communities to scrap any outdated policies that erode trust, suspend any urge to operate in isolation, and summon our collective courage to adopt these approaches for the long-haul to shape how we interact with our grantee partners.” [more]
– Marcus Walton, GEO, on Bridgespan blog