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A primary school in Birmingham that suspended lessons about LGBT equality following protests by parents is to resume a modified version of the programme in
September. Its new version of 'No outsiders' will be called 'No outsiders for a faith community'.
The government will attempt to pass a Northern Ireland devolution bill in a single day on Monday – a move that could frustrate a cross-party amendment to
legalise equal marriage.
The bishop of Buckingham has criticised the "unhealthy and excessive" centralisation of power in bishops in the Church of England and called for an
independent safeguarding body to hold bishops and dioceses to account.
A devout Christian thrown off a university social work course after being accused of posting derogatory comments about gay and bisexual people on Facebook
has won the latest round of a legal battle.
Buckingham Palace has confirmed that the duke and duchess of Sussex's son Archie will be christened on Saturday. The archbishop of Canterbury will perform
the ceremony.
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