As if you needed one: Here’s one more striking difference between this year’s two presidential candidates:
Vice President Kamala Harris has released a credible, transparent update on her health and medical history.
Donald Trump….has not.
Why is that important? As a healthcare provider, I believe the American people deserve to have confidence in their elected officials’ mental and physical capacity to do the jobs they’ve elected them to do.
Trump is clearly displaying many concerning signs – we saw it during the first debate and we continue to see it at his rallies. Now, he’s backing out of widely broadcast interviews, like 60 Minutes, and refusing to attend a second debate.
The stakes of this election are higher than ever before. Vice President Harris has been transparent and confirmed her wellbeing and fitness to serve. Voters deserve to know that Trump is up to the job (at least physically).
P.S. Not a healthcare provider, but know someone who is? Forward this email asking them to sign on!
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