Mises Institute
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Will Politicians Toxify Freedom Forever?
James Bovard
The Harris-Walz campaign has adopted “freedom” as its watchword slogan, but it is a version of freedom that is more fitting for something from one of Orwell’s works than freedom in the classical sense.
Does the Central Bank Determine Interest Rates?
Frank Shostak
A common belief among economists is that the central bank determines what interest rates should be. But is that accurate? Indeed, there is more to the story.
John Stuart Mill, Lysander Spooner, and Herbert Spencer
Dr. Gordon presented this lecture at the Mises Institute in 2007.
The Battle of the Confederate Monuments
The activism behind this movement will not stop with just taking down Confederate symbols.
Victory Is Our Goal
The first libertarian revolution succeeded, and we can do the same — but we, too, must have the will to triumph, to accept nothing less than total victory.
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The Constitution’s Negative Effects on Free Trade
While the US Constitution made the US a large free trade zone, prohibiting states from erecting trade barriers against each other, it also empowered the central government to erect tariffs on goods imported from outside the country.
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The Perils of Lawfare
One sign of a fraying society is that its laws increasingly become political tools. The latest round involves Democrats trying to use criminal law in a very questionable way to try to put Donald Trump in prison, while Trump promises to retaliate if he is elected.
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Playing with Fire
The Mises Institute’s new documentary explains what the Federal Reserve is, where it came from, and why it is so dangerous.
Betrayal of the American Right
After World War II, the Old Right was derailed by an interventionist group of anticommunist crusaders, who called for a global war against communism.
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