Dear John,
Shareholder advocacy is about planting the seeds of new ideas. We know the actions we take today will take root and grow. This month we’re diving into our Shareholder Impact Review, which details all 185 corporate engagements we took this proxy season. These engagements are the seeds you’re planting in the corporate world, and they cover a wide range of issue areas, including the need to defend untouched ecosystems, healthy food systems, decent work conditions, and
workforce diversity.
Plus, you can watch the video from our Climate Finance Day event during Climate Week, and listen to As You Sow featured on NPR. | | | A recap of our 2024 Shareholder Impact Review |
| | | As You Sow’s annual Shareholder Impact Review summarizes every shareholder resolution we filed during the 2024 proxy season. It demonstrates the progress shareholders made in getting companies to reduce material risk and find innovative ways to shift toward long-term justice and sustainable growth.
This year we engaged 185 companies across 12 issue areas to identify risks, reduce harm, and develop new business opportunities. Of these, we count 107 as successes, meaning the corporation took action, or a resolution earned enough
support to be re-submitted next year. | | | 45 dialogues led to action without escalating to a resolution, and $1.8 trillion of total share value was voted in support of the resolutions we did file. | | | | NPR airs segment on retirement investments fueling the climate crisis
An interview with As You Sow CEO Andrew Behar was aired on NPR in the latest episode of Reveal, the Peabody Award-winning podcast, titled “Your Retirement Investments Are Probably Fueling Climate Change.” Catch Andy beginning at the 40 minute mark.
While researching the expansion of a coal plant in Montana, Reveal reporter Jonathan Jones found the project was receiving major funding from Vanguard, where he happens to keep his retirement savings. | | |
| Jones began exploring why asset managers like Vanguard continue to invest in fossil fuels in an age of environmental crisis. This led him to a conversation with As You Sow about our Invest Your Values tools. | |
| The episode ends with Jones asking why institutions are still invested in fossil fuels, to which Andy says: “The whole economy is based on this idea of extraction – extracting work from people, extracting from the earth. Now we’re moving into a whole new type of economy, one that we call the regenerative economy.” | | | As You Sow hosts Climate Finance Day during Climate
Week in New York City | | | | We had two incredible panels, a fireside chat, and an exposé on extreme weather
and food with a tasting menu of climate-endangered foods.
See video highlights from the event plus the Climate Inflation report that was released in sync with the exposé on climate-endangered foods.
As the global community unites to combat climate change, the critical role of finance in accelerating the energy transition becomes increasingly evident. Climate Finance Day brought together leading
financial experts, investors, corporates, and advocates to engage in discussions, exchange ideas, foster collaborations to find solutions, and partake in the last of foods on the Climate-Endangered list. | | | This work
takes persistence, but we are driven by the powerful vision of a just and sustainable future. Together, we continue to develop and promote creative solutions to our world’s most challenging systemic issues. Shareholders are using their power to create meaningful change. We’re planting seeds that are already transforming an extractive economy into a regenerative one, a shift that benefits not just investors and companies, but a whole world of stakeholders.
With gratitude, | | | As You Sow is the nation’s leading shareholder representative, with a 30+ year track record promoting environmental and social corporate responsibility and advancing values-aligned investing. Its issue areas include climate
change, ocean plastics, toxins in the food system, biodiversity loss, racial injustice, lack of workplace diversity, and excessive executive compensation. See As You Sow’s shareholder resolution tracker. | | | As You Sow
Main Post Office PO Box 751 Berkeley, CA
94701 | | | | DISCLAIMER: As You Sow is not an investment advisor, nor do we provide financial planning, legal or tax advice. The content of our programming, publications and presentations is provided for informational and educational purposes
only, and should not be considered as information sufficient upon which to base any decisions on investing, purchases, sales, trades, or any other investment transactions. We do not express an opinion on the future or expected value of any security or other interest and do not explicitly or implicitly recommend or suggest an investment strategy of any kind.
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