Dear John,
As Mother’s Day is quickly approaching, I can’t help but think about my wife, mother, and all the other moms I know.
I’m sure you’ve seen or experienced firsthand how motherhood is filled with many sacrifices: sleep, quiet time, hobbies, and money (to name a few). But, most importantly, you’ve surely seen how motherhood is filled with great joy.
As a parent, there is nothing like rocking your baby. Wiping away their tears after a bad day or cheering them on when they score a goal. Or teaching them to know God as you do.
I’ve heard from the women in my life that being a mom is one of the highest privileges. The bond between a mom and her child is without doubt unique and special.
This Mother’s Day, you can ensure more moms get to enjoy this blessing of motherhood. Will you give TODAY to share that blessing with more mothers?
One of my favorite verses is Proverbs 24:11: “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.”
And that’s exactly what you have been doing. Through your prayers and support, you have helped create an innovative National Rescue System. One designed to make abortion unthinkable and unavailable again.
A key component of this system is the Virtual Clinic. By tapping into tele-medicine, the team here has expanded its reach geographically. And the team is also empowered to provide mothers in crisis with immediate care.
This innovation is serving more women with love and compassion. And guess what the result has been? More mothers are choosing life for their babies!
The virtual clinics have been especially important over the last couple of months as COVID-19 has spread across America. Several Planned Parenthood clinics have been closed after being deemed non-essential.
But because of virtual clinics, the Human Coalition team has not only continued serving moms every day, but has actually expanded it's reach. And the number of babies being rescued has only increased!
Will you give to fuel the growing demand to help moms facing unexpected pregnancies? By giving, you’re helping rescue as many preborn children as possible during this unique and challenging season.
You have helped rescue over 16,000 babies (and counting) since 2010! It’s truly mind-blowing to think about.
Without your support, John, thousands of children would not be here today. That’s a fact. They would not be around to hug their mothers. And those moms wouldn’t receive a handmade Mother’s Day card from their child on Sunday.
But because of YOU, these boys and girls are alive and able to enjoy all of the special moments they’re supposed to with their mothers. Will you give TODAY to rescue more children and share the gift of motherhood with more moms?
I celebrate the lives of the precious souls you’ve already rescued with gratefulness!
But I also look ahead to the multitude of babies who are in danger of being aborted today. Not just today, but in the months to come. The team here is expecting a baby boom from the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of these babies are already alive and growing inside their mothers’ wombs.
But they won’t be here next Mother’s Day without the support, love, and intentional care of people like you.
Your gift today will automatically be DOUBLED if received by this Sunday, thanks to a generous $150,000 matching grant! Will you give TODAY, making TWICE the impact with your gift?
A $50 gift DOUBLES, when paired with the matching grant, to have $100 of impact. Now is the time to give: Your gift goes twice as far to rescue more children, but only if received by Mother's Day!

Will you give TODAY, rescuing more children and giving the gift of motherhood to more moms — before its too late?
There is no better way to celebrate Mother’s Day than by giving a woman the chance to be a mom. You can be the hands and feet of Jesus to her and her baby… you can give their family the gift of life!
John: I am grateful for your generous heart, and quick response. God bless you!
For Life,
Brian Fisher,