I won’t mince words, Jack: This is some callous, blatantly partisan BS.

First, Mitch McConnell said we should allow cities and states suffering from the coronavirus pandemic to go bankrupt—rather than get the federal assistance they desperately need. 

And now, he’s called the Senate back in session, against the advice of leading physicians. But it’s not to address the coronavirus pandemic, to bolster small businesses or to protect our frontline workers and vulnerable families.

Instead, one of our first orders of business is confirming McConnell’s 38-year-old former staffer who was rated "not qualified" by the American Bar Association last year to a lifetime seat on the federal bench.  

We deserve better, especially during a national crisis. We must retire Mitch McConnell and send Amy McGrath to the Senate.

If you agree, I need you to make a donation of $25, $50, or whatever you can to Amy's campaign today.

The stakes couldn’t be higher. Thank you for stepping up. 


P.S. A new poll out of Kentucky finds Mitch McConnell tied with Amy McGrath, 41% to 41%. We can win this race. Here’s the link to give: secure.actblue.com/donate/amots


Paid for by Gillibrand for Senate


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