FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Oct. 15, 2024 Contact: Emilio Machado, DNR Business Support Coordinator [email protected] or 608-516-8626
DNR Seeking Public Comment On Green Tier Application For Fincantieri ACE Marine
 The DNR is seeking public comment on the proposed Green Tier application for Fincantieri ACE Marine in Green Bay. / Photo Credit: D’Onne Murray, Fincantieri ACE Marine
GREEN BAY, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is seeking public comment on the proposed Green Tier application for Fincantieri ACE Marine (FAM) in Green Bay. If accepted, the proposal would allow the facility to join Tier 1 of the Green Tier program.
The DNR’s Green Tier program provides credible recognition to organizations committed to going above and beyond compliance. Tier 1 is designed to encourage, recognize and reward companies that are committed to superior environmental performance. Applicants must have a good environmental record and agree to implement an environmental management system, which will be used to set goals, assess their progress and identify opportunities for improvement.
Fincantieri ACE Marine is part of the Fincantieri Marine Group, the United States division of the Italian enterprise Fincantieri. One of the world’s largest shipbuilders, Fincantieri ACE Marine is internationally recognized for innovative and highly efficient, modular, subassembly and assembly-line manufacturing techniques. It specializes in designing and constructing high-performance aluminum vessels.
Preserving and protecting the environment is a key aspect of Fincantieri ACE Marine company culture. Within one year of the date of its Tier 1 application, the facility will implement an environmental management system that is certified to the ISO 14001 standard. Environmental goals for the facility include reducing water and energy consumption, increasing environmental awareness among employees so they understand the positive impact of their everyday work as well as investing in and promoting sustainable transportation.
"Fincantieri ACE Marine is committed to improving our environmental performance. We are excited to partner with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and join Green Tier," said D'Onne Murray, quality systems coordinator at Fincantieri ACE Marine. "Our goal is to improve efficiency, increase visibility to our efforts and obtain ISO 14001 certification."
For more information on Fincantieri ACE Marine, please visit the company's website.
The public is encouraged to submit comments by Nov. 15, 2024 to:
Emilio Machado, DNR business support coordinator [email protected] or 608-516-8626