Add your name to this emergency petition.

COVID-19: Add your name to this emergency petition telling ICE to free & protect families.

Dear John,

Too many children and their parents — who came to the U.S. seeking safety from violence and persecution — were instead thrown behind bars in ICE detention. Now, in the midst of a global pandemic, they are exposed to a deadly virus and an increased risk of COVID-19 — while in crowded conditions with inadequate hygiene and negligent medical care.

Karla* and Katherine* — mother and daughter — are the faces of ICE’s cruelty during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Karla and Katherine left Honduras after being targeted because of their religion, their political beliefs, and their refusal to submit to the gangs. They have been detained for more than seven months.

Katherine suffers from tachycardia and has suffered several cardiac attacks. When Katherine was struggling to breathe after one attack, Karla was told by a medical staff member not to bring her daughter unless she was “turning purple.” This is an outrage!

URGENT: Add your name to tell ICE to free families in ICE detention and protect them during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Detained families face grave risks — including illness and even death — if exposed to COVID-19 in immigration detention facilities. Amnesty International teams have received credible and very disturbing accounts from people detained in dangerous conditions in ICE immigration detention facilities.

Karla and Katherine — and all families in detention — must be immediately released together! They have communities waiting to welcome them, and there is no reason not to release children with their parents... especially during a pandemic.

Take immediate action right now.

Thank you,

Andrea Kost

Director of Online Engagement
Amnesty International USA

P.S. The photo above is not a photo of the people whose stories are told in this email.

* Pseudonyms

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